Gabriel Sutter on his way to winning the 2013 Nozawa Onsen giant slalom.
The spring conditions are making hiking and exploring more accessible.
Exploring one of the steeper areas of Nozawa Onsen.
Shenanigans in Nozawa. Great day for an undie run yesterday.
Stefan makes the most of a powder pillow on a run through the trees in Nozawa Onsen.
Darcy covered in fresh powder after a faceshot in the trees of Nozawa Onsen
Musse floats through deep powder in the trees at Nozawa Onsen.
Manuel drops an avalanche barrier.
Jerry sends it off a natural feature.
Stefan drops an avalanche barrier.
Gabriel enjoys a powder run under the trees in Nozawa.
Somewhere in Nozawa
Exploring Nozawa Onsen
Days without any fresh snow are excellent for practicing park skills.
Throwing some spray for the cameras.
Waiting to drop in..
Manuel carves a wind lip in the backcountry.
Yesterday was a great day for taking skiing action shots!
Lubo hits a snow beanie at Yamabiko
Jerry has fun on the rollers at Nozawa Onsen.
Star Wars spotted at Nozawa.
A skier enjoys a run from Yamabiko.
Fun times in the park yesterday.
Exploration rewards
Matt Chamberlain tapping a tree on the way thru by Alison Szymik. This shot was taken a little while ago but think wil be similiar conditions up top today
Another hard day in Nozawa Onsen. Alison Szymik face shot by Matt Chamberlain. These lucky guys are here for a month!
Gab from Switzerland – ex racer current Villa Nozawa Manager getting deep in the trees in Yamabiko
Nozawa House you can slide into the car port and right to the front door – perfect!
Deeper in Nozawa, past the trees down Hachiman course
Slide on, no lifts yet but nice powder for the Sleds in Nozawa
This is Golden Week early May a few years ago up at Yamabiko