Westerly winds bring only a light overnight dusting
Nozawa Snow Report 12 January 2017: Stats
Base at top: 175 cm
Temp at Top: -8 Degree
Base at Uenotaira station: 140 cm
New snow since close: 5 cm
Weather: Light snow
Nozawa Snow Report 12 January 2017: Overview
Last night was a complete fizzer. We received only 5cm of snow up top which is significantly less than expected. I think we can attribute this result to a shift in the wind direction to the West. When this occurs windward mountains such as Myoko as well as other coastal peaks draw and block much of the lake effect snow. The winds are expected to remain Westerly all day and therefore we aren’t expecting much more than light isolated snow showers. Regardless there will be some shallow stashes of untouched powder and very deep stashes where no one has been the past few days. The current storm total stands at 75cm so there will be significantly improved snow depth from this time last week.
Yesterday was a day of excellent quality. There was no shortage of deep powder across the resort enjoyed by only a few (the resort is noticeably quieter in comparison with the holiday season over the past few weeks). Incredibly soft, dry snow made riding a pleasure, it was mesmerising to see snow hanging airborne for several seconds once aloft. The weather again surprised us with occasional sunshine, light winds and only isolated snow flurries; much the same as Tuesday. It could be said that Wednesday was the day of the season, at least so far…
Nozawa Snow Report 12 January 2017: Forecast
Which brings us to the upcoming forecast. No it hasn’t downgraded and confidence remains high of some amazing figures. Based on the predictions and observations over the past three days it wouldn’t surprise to have several half meter days in quick succession; namely Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The snow will fall to sea level in what will be the first true Siberian blast for the season. At this stage the heaviest falls appear to occur on Saturday and Sunday, the day of the fire festival looks to be almost as snowy. It will be a real test of the committed for first lifts on Monday. But those who manage to steer clear of alcohol induced hangovers will likely reap great rewards.