Quiet before the storm!
Quiet before the storm!
Despite the overcast skies, visibility on the mountain is great today, with a chance of the sun peeking through—perfect conditions! Yesterday, the ceremonial log race at Hikage drew a lively crowd, all reveling in the festive spirit of the Dosojin Fire Festival. Today marks the start of the shrine (Shaden) construction, crafted from beech wood brought down from the mountain. By evening, the shrine will be ready, setting the stage for tomorrow’s grand ceremonies starting at 7 PM.
Here’s the detailed schedule for anyone attending:
* 7 PM: Ceremonies start, with the fire lit using flintstone by an appointed villager.
* 7:30 PM: Newborn sons and daughters of local villagers have nameplates written and attached to the shrine.
* 8 PM – 8:20 PM: Japanese drumming and fireworks mark the start of the celebrations.
* 8 PM: The first burning torch is brought from a local house to the festival grounds—often sake-affected—arriving around 8:30 PM.
* 8:30 PM: Village elders begin the attack on the shrine, with fathers of newborns joining in, carrying their babies on their backs.
* 8:35 PM: Children attack the shrine with fire torches.
* 8:50 PM: Adults begin their attacks on the shrine.
* 10 PM: The festival ends with the burning of the shrine, nameplates, and New Year decorations.
Be sure to join in the excitement, follow the festival rules, and dress warmly as embers may fall around the viewing areas. Let’s celebrate together!
🌡️ Temperature at the top: -4°
❄️ New snow since yesterday: 0cm
🏔️ Base at the top of Nagasaka: 235cm
❄️ Snow conditions: Groomed slopes
🌤️ Weather: Overcast with sun peaking its head in
⛷️ Runs: All runs open except for Mukobayashi and Grand Prix course
🚡 Lifts: All lifts running
Today will be a nice and bright day with a bit of sun and light overcast with light snowfall in the afternoon. Light winds and temps hovering around -5 degrees at the top which should make it an ideal day on the mountain. The forecast is showing us some big numbers for Wednesday with snow accumulating over 60cm until Thursday morning!