Nozawa Onsen Spring Snow Report, 7th of March 2019
15 centimetres overnight (at the top of the mountain)! Will we see some more Nozawa Onsen spring snow today? The current forecast seems to think so. But just don’t look out the window, see rain and become disheartened. The mountain is the place to be. By tonight, we should be seeing a fair amount of fresh white stuff in the village too. But for now, get to the top of the mountain!
The forecasters are saying that we’ll see well into the double digits at the top of Mount Kenashi this afternoon and tonight. As those who’ve been up of late will know, there’s still a healthy base up there. Depending on how much eventuates over the next day or so, we could be back up over three metres before you know it!
What have we seen overnight? What’s the official word from the top of the mountain?
At 8:00 am;
Temp at the top; 0C
New snow since close; 15cm
Base at the top; 280cm
Weather; snowing
When the snow does finally stop and eventually recede, that doesn’t mean Nozawa simply finishes until next winter. We’ve been seeing a burgeoning summer scene in the village. Of course, it is a lot quieter and runs at a different pace. But as a guest who has experienced both pointed out just yesterday, there’s actually more to do in summer.
So we’ve put together a deal that means spending a month in Nozawa Onsen over the Green Season is cheaper than renting at home!
Check out how/why/when (you already know the “where”) below and/or send us an enquiry at stay@nozawaholidays.com.